[RSSjb feed=’https://www.granvilletriumph.org/category/news/feed?type=t’ filter=” num=’5′ ltime=” list=’ul’ target=’_blank’ pubdate=’false’ pubtime=’false’ dformat=” tformat=” pubauthor=’false’ excerpt=’false’ charex=’150′ title=” link=’false’ sort=’false’ cachefeed=’3600′]
Mr. Triumph reads business books for enjoyment, and devotes a portion of each day to learning new business and financial strategies and following trends. The news feeds provided below encapsulate the latest news in the technology solution provider sector and financial markets.
News from CRN
[RSSjb feed=’http://www.crn.com/rss/managed-services/crn-feed.rss’ filter=” num=’5′ ltime=” list=’ul’ target=’_blank’ pubdate=’false’ pubtime=’false’ dformat=” tformat=” pubauthor=’false’ excerpt=’false’ charex=’150′ title=” link=’false’ sort=’false’ cachefeed=’3600′]
News from Yahoo Finance
[RSSjb feed=’http://finance.yahoo.com/news/category-stocks/rss’ filter=” num=’5′ ltime=” list=’ul’ target=’_blank’ pubdate=’false’ pubtime=’false’ dformat=” tformat=” pubauthor=’false’ excerpt=’false’ charex=’150′ title=” link=’false’ sort=’false’ cachefeed=’3600′]